
Showing posts from March, 2018

Flower Vase out of a Perfume Container

Let me tell you how I made use of a used perfume container to make an attractive flower vase. Step 1: Materials Required   1. White glue 2. Decorative mirrors 3. Running stone 4. Foam sheet (I have used glitter foam sheet) Step 2: Wrap the Perfume Container Since this perfume container is in a complicated shape the wrapping was made with care. Step 3: Decorate With Stones  I have used running stones for the edges and some decorative mirrors. Step 4: Vase Is Ready!        


Hi there! Welcome to my blog. I am a home maker. This blog is created with the sole purpose of stacking up the DIY stuffs that I have mastered over the years. I wished to document my works and chose this platform. You can find Step by step instructions of those creations here. I am thankful to my sis Uma for inspiring me to do this and to my daughter Priya who helped me in setting up these platforms. I will continue to update this page with my new creations. Hope you find them useful.